Start a 1iu/day. Move up to 2iu as you feel appropriate. You don't really see "amazing" results with it by itself. But absolutely no reason for women to go above 2iu. When you start getting higher all you get is sore joints, like a serious case of carpel tunnel.
Keep in mind, when you are taking GH, you are supplementing something that is naturally created by your body in amounts appropriate to, well to keep it simple, your age. Just like testosterone product is at its highest in a guy's late teen yrs, GH production is at its highest around say age 21. That's what gives young people the ability to burn bodyfat more efficiently, have supple skin, energy, etc .etc etc - all those things that define youth are due in a large part to GH levels. When you introduce an outside source fo GH it isn't necessarily a better thing to introduce more than your body needs.
If you are say 55 yrs you would probaby get some fantastic benefits from GH replacement therapy -- as a matter of fact, there's a retired rich fuy in SE Florida who has been on GH therapy for awhile - he holds some of the world records for oldest scuba diver beign down to the deepest depths, cave diving, etc.
If you spoke w/ a doc (e.g. a hormone replacement specialist) they would work with you to find the level of GH that is appropraite for you to replace whatever your own system is no longer producing due to your age, and run at that level. If you are self-medicating, then you need to keep this in mind. If you are younger, then really keep it in mind. GH will supplement an AAS cycle nicely, but there is absolutely no reason to get wild w/ your dosages. More is not better, esp for women.