Maybe getting cut would solve your problems, but bro, dont get cut unless you absolutely have to. See, I'm 21, and I just got cut, due to an local police officer "politely" pushing me out of his female partner's way (bullshit, I was standing on the sidewalk, next to the corner store door, not in front of it), straight onto a fire hydrant. The way he pushed me, I literally ran into the hydrant. It hurt like crazy, and there was a lot of swelling.
Well after that, scar tissue started building up, and after about a year, I literally couldn't stand intercourse, or even jacking off. Even when a broad would go down on me, it would get painful. So I got cut, and now that it's healed up, I can tell you, there is a whole lot of difference in the feeling, and being cut makes it less sensitive, i guess due to the nerves being exposed, and the head not being somewhat lubricated (could be wrong).
So, unless the foresking gets too tight (i think the condition is called phymosis), makes cleaning it too difficult, and intercourse gets too painful, I would suggest for you not to cut it.
On the other hand, being cut makes you last longer, so I dont know...