I have a five year old and a two year old. Luckily, they have their own rooms, but I do put the 2 yr old to bed first. Actually, a hour before the 5 year old. My two yr old also still sleeps in his baby bed, (that way he can not climb out). I have always had strict bedtimes though. Try seperating them by different times. Also, I NEVER LET THEM SLEEP WITH ME. Unless they were really, really sick. Stay strong, it will be hard for about a week or even a little longer, but after you get it, you got it. I also play lullaby's in their rooms. I would even play them in my room while I was pregnant.Try a night light also, maybe they just want to know that their new home is safe. Remember the music will help, because, we all freak out over the sounds a new house can make...even us adults, so be patient.