Ah yes, the insecure people of the world. They are EVERYWHERE. The people who always have a comment, when you are doing something to better yourself in any way. The truth is, these people are scared of change. They see you doing things in life, and in reality they are too insecure to better themselves in some way. They fear being 'left behind'. So they say hurtful, and untruthful things to make you feel bad about yourself. In the end, it just makes their fears come true, because you end up leaving them behind. Not because you are too busy though, because you don't have time for such negative energy. Such people are sad really.
I've dealt with tons of these people. The ones who told me I would never get big, put on muscle, or do anything with all of this. They laughed at all 144.5lbs of me, on my 6'3 frame. Well, now at 237lbs and growing, they no longer laugh, now I get told I am going 'too far', and if I get any bigger it will look disgusting. Same old story, same old people. Only I don't hear it that often. I choose to stay away from those people. I like being around positive, happy people, who add to my life, not take away.
There is nothing wrong with you. You probably look great, and the fact that you decided to make a change in your life, shows some incredible dedication and will power on your part. Your friend is just jealous of that, and tried to bring you down. It worked, because now you are questioning yourself. Don't let anyone do that to you. You progress so far seems GREAT. Keep at it, and all your goals will be completed.
ps. Oh, and as for Shehulk? yes both her old friend and father are both like that. they seem to thrive off negative. they both really have nothing going for them, so they need it I guess. But Shehulk doesn't need to worry about such things, I can say that her personal progress and dedication in the gym are nothing short of amazing. I am very proud of her, and she should be too!