I train my traps on shoulder day. My personal opinion is that the traps are worked in combination on back workouts, but I isolate the traps on delt day. I find I can go heavier this way.
I'm new around here...just thought I'd give you guys a holler!!
K...It all depends on you. You can do traps on delt day or lat day. Coz if you are doing deadlifts, then you're traps are takin a beating. Like your tris do when you work your chest.
I prefer doing them on shoulder day. My routine is sumthin like this:
All exercises are 1 warmup set and 3 working sets. The reps are 12-8-6-4
1) Clean N Press
2) Forward Lateral Raises
3) Push N Press (Military Press with a shitload of cheating)
4) Side Lateral Pulleys
5) Dumbell Shrugs
6) Behind da back Barbell Shrugs
7) Lat Rows
I vary da workout too... Somedays I'll use just DB's and do Arnold Presses and somedays I'll throw out Clean N Press and just do Military Presses and then somedays I'll quit Side Laterals for Rear Delt action.