I would recommend building up the biggest 3 muscle groups first. That would be the legs, back, and chest. Train each part once a week. You can schedule your training on mon, weds, and fri. Use the big lifts like squats, leg presses, deads, chins, rows, flat and incline benches, dips, etc. Do about 3 exercises per body part, 4 sets per exercise, with the first set being a high rep warm up and the other 3 sets working sets taken to failure. Pyramid your weights, gradually lifting more weight for fewer reps each set. Working set rep ranges should be kept in the 6 to 10 range. Keep a journal and try to add weight to your work sets each week. If not weight, try more reps. As you build strength in the big muscle groups with mostly compound exercises, the stabilizers will get stronger as well. Try this for a few weeks. You'll see good strength gains which will give you a solid starting point for a more comprehensive, volume oriented program.