How can you overload the muscle with one set of squats per workout. I follow the theory behind what he's saying, but in reality, can you really break the muscle down from 1 set of 10 rep squats 3 times per week?
i want to know what it has done for you specifically
Of course I can't answer for Casual, but I have tried many programs and Im currently in my second week of HST so hopefully at the end of the 8 week cycle (and during it) I can provide some feedback on this type of training.
I think you misunderstood me...I never meant to claim that WSB isn't based on science. Quite the opposite, it's probably how I would train if I were training for strength.
have you ever tried anything else?
and what is you history like with hst?
i want to know what it has done for you specifically
I put on 18 pounds pretty quickly (4 months). At that point I got a little cocky and thought I had the diet thing down when I kinda didn't. Since then it's been me not-really-bulking and not-really-cutting, just kinda maintaining weight. This time I'm doing it right since I have the luxury of being at home with a lot of food available. It was really hard to overeat on my allotted 3 dorm meals a day.
Vinyl - yeah you can get by on 1 set. 1 set isn't mandated. Some guys do 2-3. I personally do 1 because I've found 2 burns me out.