Good replies. It helps to see the real serious guys post up about not drinking, it really does motivate me to stop totally, and it also puts into perspective how truly stupid drinking just to get drunk is.
Yeah, Iron Lion, when you look at it that way, it is one hell of a deterrant. 3 useless days where you can't make any training progress just isn't worth it, life's too short to waste time like that.
i drink occasionaly for funs at parties and shit. im still 17 so i need to have fun or ill go crazy. ill still seeing great gains even with drinking so until i really notice it having a negative affect on my lifting, ill continue to drink socially.
Yup, I drink beer. And other alcoholic beverages when the mood strikes me. Granted, like everything else: moderation is key. And as someone else mentioned, priorities.
Right now, my priority is a contest in two weeks; therefore my consumption has significantly decreased, but not the love (of beer)
Interesting thread. The guy I lift with (Ruspa on here) has the BEST workouts ever after a weekend of serious drinking. It makes no sense to me at all and he has "tested" it many times. He will be stronger and more intense that Monday more then any other one if it was preceded by a weekend of drunkedness. I really don't understand it, and Im not joking the dude is considerably stronger the next week if he drank a lot as opposed to if he stayed in. Im guessing it must be the extra calories or something. I stay in and eat healthy and get some decent rest, he goes out and gets plastered and comes back and kicks my ass in a lot of the lifts. Not fair!
I really don't drink at all, so the fact that he drinks a lot and is strong after it doesnt bother me as much because it is not like Im giving up drinking in attempt to be stronger, bigger, etc. It is just an activity I never got into. Im more fascinated by his strength after a weekend of practically nothing but alcohol.