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*exclamer* Subjective information.
Definition: Torture excercise - An excercise that is extremely physically and/or mentally painfull. (What else is there to say!?!)
A torture excercise can be squats, deadlifts, multiple rep stiff-legged deadlifts, running in a rubber suit, skipping for a long time, etc...
The excercise I do I call the 'sustained pushup position.' Heres how you do it:
1. Get some good motivating music playing.
2. Get in the pushup position.
3. Put a watch or anything with a timer directly under your head.
4. Straighten your back.
5. Arms perpendicular to floor.
6. Start timer.
7. Maintain untill you colapse.
8. Stop timer.
You may use pushup handles if your legs are elevated at the same height as your hands. You may not move your hands or feet in any way. The timer is stopped when you move your hands, feet, or your midsection touches the floor. Your head may face down or forward. It would be wise to take off your shirt to avoid sweating too much.
My record is 21 minutes (which I'm not to proud of.) After 4 minutes I start sweating. After 10 I'm soaked. Shoulders, abs, legs, back in alot of pain. 14 Sweat dripping off head onto timer. I'm shaking like I've got severe hypothermia. Want to quit. Time slowing down exponentally. 18 Back starting to colaspse, looks like I'm having convulsions, singing along to music and laughing hysterically because the pain is so intense. 20-21 minutes is like 18 but multiplied by 4. The natural painkillers are giving you a super-high. Ahhhhhh...
I've got many more but this one is my favorite..
Do you guys have any ideas for torturous excercises?
Feel free to enter your time for the 'sustained pushup position' if you care to try it..
Definition: Torture excercise - An excercise that is extremely physically and/or mentally painfull. (What else is there to say!?!)
A torture excercise can be squats, deadlifts, multiple rep stiff-legged deadlifts, running in a rubber suit, skipping for a long time, etc...
The excercise I do I call the 'sustained pushup position.' Heres how you do it:
1. Get some good motivating music playing.
2. Get in the pushup position.
3. Put a watch or anything with a timer directly under your head.
4. Straighten your back.
5. Arms perpendicular to floor.
6. Start timer.
7. Maintain untill you colapse.
8. Stop timer.
You may use pushup handles if your legs are elevated at the same height as your hands. You may not move your hands or feet in any way. The timer is stopped when you move your hands, feet, or your midsection touches the floor. Your head may face down or forward. It would be wise to take off your shirt to avoid sweating too much.
My record is 21 minutes (which I'm not to proud of.) After 4 minutes I start sweating. After 10 I'm soaked. Shoulders, abs, legs, back in alot of pain. 14 Sweat dripping off head onto timer. I'm shaking like I've got severe hypothermia. Want to quit. Time slowing down exponentally. 18 Back starting to colaspse, looks like I'm having convulsions, singing along to music and laughing hysterically because the pain is so intense. 20-21 minutes is like 18 but multiplied by 4. The natural painkillers are giving you a super-high. Ahhhhhh...
I've got many more but this one is my favorite..
Do you guys have any ideas for torturous excercises?
Feel free to enter your time for the 'sustained pushup position' if you care to try it..