A balance in hydration should be met daily. Recommended water per day is 6-8 glasses (8oz), which is adequate for the normal individual. Some will recommend it on your weight, so if you weigh 150 lbs, you should drink 150 oz of water - that would be a lot of water...approx. 19 glasses at 8 oz each. That is one plus per hour of you awake time. You do not need that much.
Water intake will vary upon the individual. Normal indiv. should consume 6-8 glasses. Bodybuilders, athletes, etc may need high intake depending on their workouts and how much they sweat. Each athlete varies...some sweat more than others. Use the 6-8 8oz glasses per day as a starting point, BUT - Get to know your individual body and know what you can and cannot do. That is the single most important advice I can offer.
Geoff Garst
Board Certified
Vascular Specialist
Cardiac Perfusionist
PS: Karma is always welcome here!