The water retention is down to normal since my rings fit ok now. One word on that...the doctor said that of course I would be full of fluid...I had an IV dripping into my body for HOURS and that I should have at least 5 lbs of fluid, so not just the trauma of surgery, but duhhhh...the IV! LOL
My bloat is being caused by constipation mostly. My stomach is rock hard...not usual for me at all. Since I normally have bouts of IBS every morning and occasionally diverticulitis, I am being very careful not to irritate myself by taking a laxative...if I did I'd surely have an attack of diverticulitis which is something I just couldn't deal with right now. I've gone through a box of suppositories and I'm taking 4x the recommended daily doses of stool softeners, drinking tons of water, walking, and eating foods to help get things going naturally like pea soup, a spoon of peanutbutter, raisin bran, and applesauce with my pork chop. Unfortunately, I can hardly eat and when I do, the food sits there in a lump for hours at a time. I'm so full that last night I tried to eat a Wendy's single and couldn't even fit half of it down. My stomach HURTS when I eat and drink more than about half of a cup at a time. The other night I couldn't even get my medicine down because there was no room for water. Oh well...I know this will pass in time...hopefully sooner than later. Hubby's picking up more suppositories when he comes home from work tonight. To top it off I've got a roid now...grrrrrrrrrr!
I don't bruise easilly at all, but right now my boobs have that yellowish/light brown color to them around the nipple and all down the underside...hubby noticed it today for the first time, but it's been there, just lighter until today. No muscle spasams, but it does hurt constantly...especially after I've been still for a while and start moving again. The worst is when I wake up...last night and the night before I was able to sleep on my side with my arms compressing the sides of my boobs...kinda workin the implants inward since they're sticking out so much on the sides. This morning I noticed a visual difference in that...they're moving slowly into place. My right breast is especially sore when we try to massage the implant downward...that is the side the doctor said he had a very difficult time working with. My nipples are sensitive, but the left one is SUPER sensitive and kind of painful when touched even very lightly, where as the right one, when it's touched lightly and my eyes are closed, I don't feel it on the tip, but the areola is fairly sensitive. That nipple also has a dark red some broken blood vessels, kinda like when you've pinched your finger in a door or something.
The sutures aren't terribly painful, but there is some minor spotting still happening once in a while. I'm really being careful not to pull the skin by lifting my arms too high...I can feel the stitches when I do that! There is tape glued on over the stitches which will be removed on Wednesday...I'm looking forward to that so I can actually get a good look at the doctor's suturing! From the photo's I saw of his previous work, he does a wonderful job.
Last night we had to go to a wake. It was very uncomfortable putting a bra on! Tonight we're gonna go to Target so I can get some inexpensive bras and a few more sports bras...they have one style that I already have that zippers up the front...much easier to work with at this point and they hold up very well to the washer and dryer...the brand is Jogbra. At home I've just been wearing the sports bras and when I need a little break from the tight pressure I put on a tank that has a shelf bra...they're pretty snug so they hold me in place well. But then boobs are so tight right now, they don't bounce even without a bra on! LOL
There's one wicked thing that happens, especially when we are massaging the implants...I don't know if I can describe it, but there are little pockets of fluid and air in the breast now and whey they get moved they make a creaking/crackling sound that just freaks me out...hubby's felt and heard it too...the first time it happened he jumped away thinking he did something wrong. LOL
I've failed at quitting smoking. I'm keeping it down to much less than before at least. Next week I'm going to speak with a doctor about it. There is the possibility that it's a vitamin deficiency that causes so much anguish in some people when they quit, so I'm hoping to get some help with this. I keep picturing all of the things that I know are bad about smoking, but when I quit the need to smoke is so strong that I have not been able to have success. I was litterally having panic attacks, visuals, odd sensations in my joints that would wake me up and I'd have to shake them out...this continued for days even after the physical withdrawls should have been well gone. I'm also considering hypnosis as an option in combination with what this doctor has to say. I know it's not helping my recovery...I can actually feel a tingling in the sutured areas within a couple of minutes after lighting up, but then it goes away quickly and I'm retaining my sanity by allowing myself to smoke a little when the urges are so powerfull.
That about does it for now...can you tell I've got a lot of spare time on my hands right now? LOL I'm gonna put on a sweater and go out for a walk and watch the golfers in a bit. It's around 70 here today, sunny and breezy...a beautiful spring day! I can't wait to see my neighbors yards and their freshly planted spring flowers.

I'm hoping to see some aligators sunning themselves or maybe some deer hiding at the edges of the preserves. We've also got a lot of eagles here...they're always beautiful to watch as they soar overhead.