Make some positive changes in your life that you can build on and that which will raise your self esteem in the long haul, i.e.Take classs at a local community college, Workout to look and feel better, increase your B-vitamins to ward of depression, take a vacation, but new clothes, learn and play a new sport.
You may want to consider calling a call girl agncy periodically to have a feamle companion to talk to and get to know as well as for unattachd "relations" which can rebuild your confidence alot.
Post your profile on Y! personals and, alot of decent girl who are good looking are taking to the net to find a decent guy.
Change your routine and laugh more, join a group online or in person, become a big brother, volunteer, playing a part in someone less fortunite than yourself can change your life, make you feel wanted and worthwhile.
Hope this helps you think more level headed, I have been there 2.