Hi all, I was wondering, of those that do a ckd type deal, what do recommend to get into ketosis as fast as possible. It seems that it takes about 3 days for me to start burning ketones. Any tips?
Georgie, ALA can give you false ketosis readings on keto strips. I find it hard to believe you are in ketosis with 200 grams of carbs per day.
Mydyingbride, fat intake should be high and protein intake somewhat low the day after your carb up. Then really kick some ass in the gym. That should get you into a good level of ketosis within 2 days.
look son i have no idea about this "ketosis reading" ive been doin a ckd for a week now and i feel great - i have aproxx 4-5 carbs a day - 1 gallon of water a day - meat, egg whites, and tuna pretty much every day - run a mile or 2 and workout ive lost about 5 lbs so far and i am going to just melt off fat in the coming days - ill post my results.