Oh come the fuck on guys...pizza is definately the most anabolic without question. First off, if we're considering just one meal, your body can only digest a certain amount of protein, somewhere between 30-50 grams. After that, the digestibility index drops rapidly. At 4 cals /g, that's around 120-160 calories. Then if you include 20-30% fat, you get a few more calories. Overall, you ain't getting much calories. Protein is good to eat in certain quantities, but it certainly doesn't compare to a staple like carbs and fat. I can eat 4000 calories in one sitting of pizza. Additionally, it has about as much protein as a steak if you eat enough of it. You take your pussy 16-20 oz steak, or whatever you can handle (64 oz for all i care, you'll just get gas, and shit all the protein out), and i'll take my large double cheese supreme pizza, and we'll see who packs on teh muscle faster. Read a damn nutrition book.