Funny you should say that about the 365 feeling so heavy for a static hold. I was just thinking the other day about how heavy 300 used to feel when I was doing static contraction training. It used to feel like it was crushing my hands and wrists. Now I barely notice as I pass it in warmups. You guys will look back someday and think the same thing.
Cubanito, I am really glad you took the advice to get bigger. You can get cut in your 30's, spend your teens and twenties getting as big and strong as possible. I promise you, I will not even think about being cut up or looking for a 6 pack until your 20'th birthday, which will be my 30th birthday. Mr. July 27th.
Deceiver, yes, I guess we wear the same belt, funny, but mine is not worth a damn for deadlifting. Maybe I am wearing mine backward. Having a great deadlift as you do is much more important to a good total than having a big bench. Big benchers don't total elite very often. Big time deadlifters very often do. I am much more gifted in bench, but if it was up to me, I would have been born with a great deadlift like you have. But you have to play the cards you were dealt, and they have bench only meets for me, and full meets for you. Stick with it, you two, and you will truly amaze yourselves (along with everyone else) with how strong you can become.