This thread is hilarious, I have exactly the same/similar type of people at my gym that u guys are detailing. This one guy though, omg!!! Stats: 21-25 yo, 235lbs. 25%bf-- Pulls up to the gym around 6pm in either in a new 745 bmw, a lamborgini murcielago, or a 2007 hummer on 26 inch rims. Always sporting underarmor cut sleave shirt, underarmor beanie, xxxxl underarmor sweatpants, underarmor wrist raps/gloves, 3 karot diamond earings, a platinum chain that has to weigh at least 2 lbs. Always purchaces/consumes a Speed Stack and Detour bar pre-workout. Spends 30-45 min. rambling with the gyms staff and starring at the high school girls coming into tan. Same routine everyday (in order) high reps low weight - starting with smith bench, smith military, standing iso curls, tricep cable pulldowns, and ending with a 15 min. tan to give him that cutting glow. Not to mention the 5 minute rest inbetween sets. A Post workout Muscle Milk is always a must for his hard earned 45 min session. Can anyone relate?????