Great Thread, but I still have some questions...
My HX & Stats to help you answer them
BF: 26%
Previously competed in Figure, spent the last year bulking and am having a hard time dropping wt. Haven't touched anything in a year. Previously took, Winny/Van/EQ/Clen stack 2 times...
This extra wt. is killing me emotionally and I've deceided that I'm going to do a cycle of T3 incorpuration of a solid diet and training program, to just get this crap off my body. I'm not sure if I want to jump back on clen with this, for the reason that it made me anxious, which lead to eating.... I'm going to stick with a ECA stack, 5 day weight training split/ 1 hr of cardio 6 days a week, incorpurating intervals. Diet will consist of 6 meals, all 6 wll include 30 grms of protein , and the first three meals 30 grms of complex carbs, 2 fat sources with my last two meals of the day from either PB or almonds.....
I was looking at taper after 50 mcg's.... how many days should I run a good solid cycle....what should I expect form this....Am I looking at a good 10-20 pounds of bf if I stick with my diet and training program? I shoulds also mention that I am currently and have been training and doing an hr of cardio a day and am still at this weight and BF. So really all thats changing is diet abit and adding T3.