I'll post up my experience on this so far. I'm a virgin to the t3/clen stack as well.
I'm finishing a cycle of 500mg Test-E and 400mg EQ per week. I'm on day 8 as of right now. I started the t3 on day 3 so there's a 2 day difference there. My reason for doing this was just to see what clen was going to be like.
As far as diet goes, I've been following a friends diet. He's on the verge of going pro and he's helped me tailor the diet to my lifestyle (college kid). While on the diet before my cycle I was losing approximately 3-4lbs a month while maintaining my strength. Basically I'm like most people on the board eating 5 or 6 meals a day spread throughout the day and eating enough chicken to start growing wings. Since I'm on cycle I'm also throwing in some lean beef. I'll be happy to share more on this but it's slightly off topic.
My lifting routine has been 5 days a week hitting one muscle group per day except arms which I do bi's and tri's on the same day. Basically that's back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs. Per the advice of my very large friend, I've actually gone slightly down in weight and focused more on form and I can tell a huge difference. Again I'll be happy to go into the specifics but I'm no RADAR.
Cardio has really sucked since I started taking the clen. My resting heart rate used to be in the upper 50's lower 60's and now it's in the 90's. My blood pressure is also through the roof. Kinda scary but it's nothing I'm worried about at this time. I feel my heart beating quite a bit. I'm definitely taking it easy on the cardio and not doing anything too crazy. I'm hitting it about 3-4x a week.
My clen started like this:
Day 1-2 : 20mcg
Day 3-4: 40mcg
Day 5-6: 60mcg
Day 7-8: 80mcg
I plan to come off gradually too
Day 9 : 80mcg
Day 10: 60mcg
Day 11: 40mcg
Day 13: 20mcg
Day 14: 20mcg
My t3 is looking like this
25 - 37.5 - 50 - 37.5 - 25
I'm looking at a 21 day cycle for t3 but I might extend it a few more days and come down to 12.5.
I'm taking 3+G of Taurine and as much potassium as I can force down my throat. I got a potassium supplement from GNC (along with the taurine) and a bunch of bananas from Kroger
Anyhow hope this helps someone.
This past week I've lost 3lbs. I'm pretty happy with it.