so I'm 220 lbs, ~15%bf, no gear experience, 20+ years weights experience
On a muscle relaxant (methocarbamol) right now, anyone know if there are any bad interactions with clen? doesn't seem to be from all the reading I've done.
noiw then, assuming 1/8ml is 25mcg of AG-Guys clen:
Day 1-2 - 1/8ml (25mcg)
Day 3-4 - 1/4ml (50mcg)
Day 5-6 - 3/8ml (75mcg)
Day 7-8 - 1/2ml (100mcg) + 50mg Benadryl
Day 9-10 - 5/8ml (125mcg) + 50mg Benadryl
Day 11-14 - 3/4ml (150mcg) + 75mg Benadryl
Day 15-17 - 1/2ml (100mcg)
Day 18-21 - 1/4ml (50mcg)
On day 22, start up on the ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin for at least another 21 days, yes?