Tuesday 12-29-09
Week 2
135 X 10
225 X 8
315 X 4
405 X 5
Wide Grip Pulldowns
140 X 8
160 X 8
170 X 8
180 X 8
Seated Rows
180 X 8
210 X 8
230 X 8
260 X 8 PR
Straight Arm Pulldowns
140 X 8
150 X 8
165 X 8
175 X 8
Barbell Curls
65 X 8
85 X 8
105 X 8
115 X 8
DB Hammer Curls
40 X 8
50 X 8
60 X 8
70 X 8
Standing EZ bar curls
65 X 8
85 X 8
105 X 8
125 X 8
Single Arm Concentration Curls
30 X 8
30 X 8
30 X 8
***Haven't been feeling well these past two days. Anything I eat makes me sick to my stomach. I'm hoping it will pass soon so I can really cram those calories. I have one amazing pump in my back and biceps that turned very painful by the time I got to the standing ez bar curls. Its a good thing nobody called my cell phone on my way home from the gym! No way I could have held the phone to my ear! haha
***I'm getting very tight these past 3 days. I've already lost a lot of flexibility. I've incorporated the DC stretching for each body part following their workouts. I'm hoping this will improve my mobility.