Thursday 12-3-09
***2 scoops of NTKTS pre workout
135 X 10
185 X 8
225 X 8
275 X 6
315 X 6
DB Lunges
35 X 10
35 X 10
35 X 8
35 X 8
Leg Extensions
105 x 8
130 X 8
150 X 8
Lying Leg Curls
105 X 8
110 X 8
110 X 8
Standing Calve Raises
205 X 10
205 X 10
230 X 10 and hold.
***My legs were freaking shot after this workout! It was the first time I've squated since June.
***I will be taking Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Will be back in the gym Monday evening.