Monday 3-9-09
Week 10 of Test Eth @ 500mg/wk
Week 4 of Bill Starr 5X5 training routine
Weighing 181.6 lbs (I've dropped 4 lbs since I've started the program, strength is still on the rise)
140 X 5
175 X 5
210 X 5
245 X 5
280 X 5
Bench Press
140 X 5
175 X 5
205 X 5
240 X 5
275 X 5
Bent Over Rows
100 X 5
120 X 5
145 X 5
170 X 5
195 X 5
Back Extensions
200 X 15
200 X 15
200 X 15
Weighted Crunches
150 X 10
160 X 10
170 X 10
180 X 10
DB Hammer Curls
60 X 8
65 x 8
75 X 8 ***This is a PR. I was fucking stoked.
***I got my shipment of Omega's Amplify02 today. I took 1 serving (8 caps) about 30 mins before my workout. Let me tell you, this is one of the best NO products on the market. I was so fucking pumped during the workout. Actually at one time I had to sit down and control my breathing. My heart began to race a little too damn much and I found it hard to control my self. I didn't want to wear out too fast considering it was hitting me around around the 3rd set of squats.
I threw in the DB hammer curls today for shits and giggles. I was on an amazing pump and strength was like never before. This was the most intense workout I have had in a while. At one point I almost puked because I was pushing myself too hard. I wasn't taking as much time in between sets as I was used to.
Overall rating of Omega's Amp02 product: I give this product a 9.5
Only flaw is that I was so anxious that I could see where someone could get too excited and over excert themself in a hurry. I suggest that you listen to the label and only take 1/2 serving the first go round to see how your body reacts. I can only imagine what my workouts will be when I add Lipoflame and LipoStim3 to the equation once I complete my PCT.
I was wanting to wait till PCT started but the bottle just kept staring at me. There was no way I could have held off 2 weeks. haha I got 2 bottles right now but plan on ordering some more when I order the lipostim and lipoflame.