i started six years ago.
i got a "tattoo kit" for my birthday and started tattooing out of my apartment. then a couple of months later i ran into a buddy of mine that worked in "a bona fide" shop and he let me in on a lot of the dangers of house tattooing. his info really opened my eyes and scared me a bit. so i quit.
then last year the same guy moved back into town, opened up shop, and gave me a call to see if i was still interested in tattooing.
i've been there for over a year now. i've learned about sterilization, cross contamination, how the machines work, how to build needles, how to empty the trash, how to answer the phones, blah blah blah.
i've tattooed a dozen people or so in the last few months. so far, everyones come back and been happy with their work. and they want to get more. so i must be doing something right.
the not having a tattoo thing is an issue. most people do give a strange look and ask "why would i be a tattoo artist when i dont have any tattoos"?
i tell them i have one...

but i just can't show it.
so now, because of that smart-assed comment, i might have to get a tattoo in a very painful spot.
me and my good for nuthin' smart ass attitude does it again.
go me....