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Angel said:i know the feeling.. my mom is always bitchin about some thing. even things that have nothing to do with her.. so i call her this am and she s babbling about how a couple from oregon came to visit this town and got a ticket, yet the people at the top of her street park there and never get one (in my town there is no over night parking allowed nov-april)...none of her buisness..then she gets on the tomorrow she will be here in the am and we are takin the kids out for a walk and we will go all over the place, and BLAA BLAA BLAA......nothing like hey, do you want to take the kids for a walk tomorrow?
I despise having her here because she treats my kids the same way she treated me. and she thinks that they are hers. i tell them to do some thing and she makes damn sure that she overpowers me by yelling at them and telling them what to do....omg, she pisses me off...
Yes i am waiting for some to come in the mail that i ordered. this obcession came out of no where...never had any interest before!
intersting....I to have an addiction to ladies underwear...but it started around age 12 for me.