Sushi X
New member
MortyJackson said:
Boo hoo. Cry for Sushi, because he works hard and cant pay his bills. Thats nobodys fault but your own sushi so quit trying to take it out on the people who got educated and make a good living. You may physically work as hard as those people but arent as valuable. Too bad. Your fault.
i can pay my bills you insignificant little puke. i'm not trying to take out anything on anyone so why don't you just step off. what makes a person more valuable? their money? not. the garbage men are just as important as doctors. without them who would take the trash to the dump? just like without doctors to take care of us when we are sick or hurt. both are different yet provide a very needed service.
bigguns, i went to school, i plan to try and go back part time on my own, no loans cause i gotta pay some back first, but it won;t be for four years. i'm thinking of renewing my emt liscence and trying to work in the field. but right now i'm trying to become a manager so i can get better leverage like you mentioned.
the reason i seem as if i'm complaining or whatever is that the government is not going to downsize, reduce spending or take a paycut. they will continue to rely on the taxes we all pay. in order for one group to get a tax cut the other has to pay more. whether or not it's fair, that's the way it is. i would love to see people only pay a minimal amount of taxes but that won't happen so the tax game will continue as is. nothing will ever change.