5. Seated Pulley Rows
warmups: 100lbs x 10, 200lbs x 10
building set: 250lbs x 8
6. Up Right Rows
warmups: 85lbs x 10, 105lbs x 10
building set: 125lbs x 8
7. Barbell Shrugs
warmups: 315lbs x 10, 405lbs x 10
building set: 455lbs x 6
- awesome pump
- lost 2lbs of water, but regained with replenishment
- no pain in elbows. . .felt strong!!!
During the course of the layoff, I maintained my weight. . .appetite went down, but I will get it back. I will be consuming 9 meals a day (5 solids and 4 liquids). . .I was eating 5 to 6 times a day during the layoff period.
I hit the buffet yesterday and I will be hitting it again tomorrow and possibly on Saturday and Sunday.
Next training session (Saturday) will be:
1. Barbell Curls
2. Behind the Back Wrist Curls
3. Barbell Toe Raises
4. Speed Squats
5. Stiff Leg Deads or Good Mornings
Anyway, thats it!!!