New member
Im trying to lean up.... Im dieting, working out hard, and have started the sus 250 once ( Advice I got was 2x week)... anastrozole once ( 1 x a week in future) and Ive taken the anadrol twice so far ( advice was 1 cap 5x weekly) .
Im in my 30's and my T level was checked the other day... Came back 171... ( I was a amateur bodybuider that cycled in my mid 20's, so I think thats why my levels are low.) Doc wants me to come in 1 x weekly for cyp 200 injestions.
Like I said... Im looking to lean up and not look bulky and retain alot of water..
Do I need to cut out the Anadrol 25... With the hard workouts.. Light weight and alot of reps, low carb, high protein diet, alot of water, and cardio 3x weekly lean me up... or do I need to stick to the sus only? Sus 2x week on my own and cyp 1x week by doc and anastrozole 1x week with or without anadrol?
What do I need to do to look lean, cut, and vascular? I know with my t level at 171 I need the test...
what should I do. don't want to get bulky
Im in my 30's and my T level was checked the other day... Came back 171... ( I was a amateur bodybuider that cycled in my mid 20's, so I think thats why my levels are low.) Doc wants me to come in 1 x weekly for cyp 200 injestions.
Like I said... Im looking to lean up and not look bulky and retain alot of water..
Do I need to cut out the Anadrol 25... With the hard workouts.. Light weight and alot of reps, low carb, high protein diet, alot of water, and cardio 3x weekly lean me up... or do I need to stick to the sus only? Sus 2x week on my own and cyp 1x week by doc and anastrozole 1x week with or without anadrol?
What do I need to do to look lean, cut, and vascular? I know with my t level at 171 I need the test...
what should I do. don't want to get bulky