I am 22, 5'10, 185lbs, I am looking to bulk obviously diet is the main thing but a good routine is also needed i like the 4 days a week but maybe am doing some un-needed exercises, let me know what you think.
day 1
Military Press 3 sets of 10,8,6
Side laterals 3 sets of 15,12, 8-10
Bent laterals 3 sets of same as above
barbell curls 4 sets of 8-10
incline db 3 sets of 6-10
hammer curls 2 sets failure
day 2
Squats 4 sets 6-10
Leg Press 3 sets 6-8
Sldl 3 sets 8-12
seated calve raises 4 sets 8-15
day 3-off
day 4
incline press 4 sets 6-12
bench press 4 sets 6-12
flyes 3 sets 8-15
cables failure
skill crushers 3 sets 6-10
dips 3 sets failure
pushdowns 2 sets 10-12
day 5
pulldowns 3 sets 8-10
seated rows 3 sets 8-12
bent over rows 3 sets 6-10
deadlifts 3 sets 6-10