Ok I am officially done with the var. Scared I mesed up my body. Am I stuck like this forever? Can I go back to being hairless? Help me guys, please! What should I expect? Estrogen to rebel? Get fat? Hair contiue to grow? Super depression and fatgue? What is the right way to come off? I was taking 2.5 mg morning night. So embarrasing. Am I ruined?
Oh, honey, calm down! I'm no expert on Var., but certain things are simple logic. Let's get some straight up health information (it's a lot of questions, but take your time answering them): what kind of workout plan are you currently following, how are you eating, what supplements/meds are you taking? How are you sleeping? Do you know your BF% now? Are you getting a menstrual cycle? Most importantly, how do you feel? Not just physically, but emotionally? Do you have any things going on health wise that I didn't think to ask? I realize you're very upset over certain body changes but those can have more than one explanation.
Ideally, we'd send you to a doctor for a hormone screening but I don't think it would do you much good until we get your body back to baseline. We're kind of going to have to make an educated guess about where you stand right now, health wise. Which means take a look at the big picture, including diet and exercise, and see what is working and what may be stressing your system. Stress messes with your endocrine system.
Your thyroid going wacky can cause weird hair growth/loss, suppressing estrogen can do it, excess test. can do it, PCOS can too. I realize a reproductive disorder isn't what anyone wants to hear but if the condition is extremely distressing to you it's all the more reason to get your body in as healthy and balanced a state so you can get properly examined.
Remember one thing, and this is absolute worst case scenario, laser lasts forever and most dermatologists can set you up with financing okay?