New member
spatts said:I like this Steel MUCH better!
CONGRATS!!! You sound SO happy...
Have fun tonight...take pics.
Ohhh, ME TOO! It just feels so damn good to be able to WALK without feeling like I have teeny leeches attached to each and every cell, sucking, sucking my energy away. I just LOVE being with me right now, heh heh All my friends are happy too - they don't have to put up with grumpy Steel. I've been deep belly laughing for a week - god it's been so long. Walking around town, or the beach or wherever just grinning, sucking in the fine blue sky, the joy of being alive.
Thanks everyone for the congrats - oh, and JJ - I think I've had enough chocolate for the whole women's board to live vicariously through me After the party Wed night - oh my god an awesome event - I was in sensory overload - wow wow wow - never seen so many hot and different women all in the same place together - low carbing went out the window for a bit, til I was invited to pose at the closing ceremony - then I had to try a few more protein only tricks. Here's the funniest - we were only on stage for about a minute, but I somehow managed to trip over one of the dancers and came a-cropper in front of, like,
10 000 people - bwwaaa ha haaa haa haa - it was a huge trip (ho ho, pun not intended).
I had professional pictures taken just after the show, by a LOVELY and very sexy man - is everyone in Sydney so hot? There sure seem to be a lot of hot people here - it must be the climate. Anyway, the pics came out very nicely indeed (sorry, I didn't get any of the fetish top - I don't think - was too excited to get down to the venue, lol. Gosh, it's the sexiest thing I've ever owned, blush) so I'll post when I get back to Japan in a few weeks.
One of the best parts about this whole thing has been the people I've met who are into training and bodybuilding etc. One of the women there said the dieting gets better and less complex the more times you do it - that your body almost learns where it has to go, and gets there more easily. Well, that was her experience, but I believe her. I have so much hope for my future in this sport. A lot of people told me I have good symmetry, especially coinsidering my height, so that's inspiring and motivating. Bodybuilding is SOOOO cool - this is the ultimate sport. I totally love it - it's such a huge challenge, and such a huge thrill when you surmount the challenges. (and the attention helps too, lol )
Also, seeing people in the ultra masters classes, just kicking ass - fantastic physiques, looking 20, 30, 40 years younger than they actually are - out there pumping iron into their 50's, 60's, 70's - WOW! Wow wow wow - really amazing. One guy I met works out with Bill Pearl, can you believe that??? And he looks incredible for his age, just incredible.
So, ladies, keep on pumping that iron, and make sure you give a good grunt now and then
Off to do some, e-hem, bulking