First off I'm not being a pussy.
I haven't squated in a long time because whenever I do I get fucked knee pain. Also even walking upstairs sometimes or just plain walking can be a bitch. Week knee maybe? Don't know,never relly fucked it up, I think it's genetics.
But here's the deal,should I STFU and just squat anyway,or go real light to avoid permanent damage. If so,is there even much of a point to going light,i'm looking for mass not tone or endurance. thanks.
I haven't squated in a long time because whenever I do I get fucked knee pain. Also even walking upstairs sometimes or just plain walking can be a bitch. Week knee maybe? Don't know,never relly fucked it up, I think it's genetics.
But here's the deal,should I STFU and just squat anyway,or go real light to avoid permanent damage. If so,is there even much of a point to going light,i'm looking for mass not tone or endurance. thanks.