New member
Well after reading Spatts' post on her problems with her squat, i decided to try to vary bar placement. Normally i do a highbar squat (bar resting right on the traps), in which case i notice that my core strength is heavily recruited as i attempt to step out and go for my first rep. But today i lowered the bar to my rear delts and voila, core was stable (didnt have to really put much effort in staying totally upright / sitting back) and it felt real real good. But the pain in my wrists was so intense that i had to stop after my 4th rep (which i know i could of got 8 easily). Is there anything i can do for wrist flexibility / hand placement / bar placement? I know i can handle more weight on the bar when i have it lower on my rear delts.
It's just frustrating that i see my leg press / hack squat numbers go through the roof every week and yet my squat numbers still struggle.
I guess i should stop putting off doing more core strength exercises.

It's just frustrating that i see my leg press / hack squat numbers go through the roof every week and yet my squat numbers still struggle.
I guess i should stop putting off doing more core strength exercises.