When I perform squats, I receive the same degree of soreness in the quads, buttocks, hips, and hamstrings. Overall, I believe the squats is an excellent lower body developer.
One more thing. . .what is your stance? If your buttocks are extra sore, this is a good indicator that you are squatting nice and deep. If you want to focus more on the quads, use a closer stance with the toes spaced 10 apart. Also, you may want to consider performing leg presses to pre-exhaust the quads then perform heavy squats.
I disagree again (always gotta be the pain in the ass).
In PLing, when a person leans too far forward, we chalk that up to stronger quads and a posterior chain too weak to hold the person upright. My front squats are ATF, totally upright, and knees over the ankles.
Ive always read and have been told that you shouldnt let your knees go beyond the instep of your foot ,as that puts alot of stress on the knees.Ive found that to be true for me
Even if that did make any sense to me at all, I don't know why I'd risk joint stability just to stimulate my quads. High price to pay for minimal returns. I guess I have the luxury of knowing what works for me, thank goodness...I need these knees.
When squatting, the knees should remain as stable as possible. They should not move forward. The majority of the work should be completed by the hips and quads.
having tried box squats today, i can attest to how much my glutes and hams are involved. im not sore yet, but i have a feeling i will be tired tomorrow.
My knees and every other person who does an Olympic back squat and front squats gets their knees way over the toes. My and their knees are fine.
Human body is not that weak. Just have to condition it.
I just can't see how one can do a front squat with a totally upright torso without your knees going forward. The bar needs to be over the centre of gravity which is where your feet are. That means your knees have to be in front of the COG.
Jumping and landing from a jump puts way more pressure on the knees than any squat, doesn't seem to hurt too many kids.
Just try and jump without your knees going forward