Has anyone ever told you that you a truly one of the most excellent MODS at this site? You really do so much work for people and you are so well educated that you are more often than not brilliant in your posts.
I truly think you do not get far enough attention around here and I thought I would start a thread where people could chime in and tell you what they think.
I find myself to be knowledgeable in this game we play, but I often find myself learning things from you I never even thought of before. Your knowledge of knesiology is extraordinary, and you a truly a magnificent, exquisite person as well.
For those of you that have not had the great opportunity to meet Spatts, let me tell you this, all of these wonderful things come wrapped in a package of loveliness. She is truly a stunning woman inside and out and deserves all this and much, much more.
Here is to Spatts!!!! Lets tell her what we think. Karma to you Spatts.