I was thinking about this forum today, so bear with me if it comes out a little jumbled.
We have a great forum here. The regular crowd that hangs here is knowlegable, but at the same time willing to learn from others, a rare combo. There is kind of a clique here, but I don't know that it is a negative thing. On that chat board, there is a clique of the regulars that don't seem very friendly to newcomers or people that don't think the same way as thier "cool crowd" does. I find it different here, as membership to the clique is open to anyone who either demonstrates aquired knowlege about the game, and/or comes here willing to learn (we all had to start somewhere and no one knows it all).
Moderation on this forum in kind of a new thing, but for the most part, not necessary as it's a good group of people that hang here, that also watches out for those that come here to learn. So when asswipes drift over from other forums, they either got with the program, why we're all here, or they found themselves pretty unwelcome.
This karama thing; I'm no karma whore, frankly I could care less. But I noticed that with some exceptions (ie, corn), the people with the most karma are the ones that contribute the least amount of useful info to elite as a whole. Why not use it the way it was meant to be, and when someone posts a good point here, even if you don't agree with it, throw some karma at them for sharing their info.