Hi everybody. How y'all doing? I haven't been here in a year or so. Not like you missed me. I remember we have/had some strong pro-gun opinions here.
I think that open-carry of assault rifles (what else am I supposed to call these) is batshit crazy.
Seriously, what the fuck?
Gun Activists Flaunting Assault Rifles Get Booted From Chili's and Sonic | Mother Jones
Sorry you have to click on the lefty news link to see the YouTube video. Cause I'm too stupid to figure out the YouTube embed thing on my iPhone. Yeah, I'm a commie for posting that.
What in the world are these guys thinking carrying those big ass guns around in public like its nobody's business? One of them had his little kid with him. What the actual fuck?
I hope these guys don't go nuts with those guns. If you ask me they are just nuts for doing that shit.
b0und (seriously, wtf?)