I'm going to do HIIT cardio along with CKD. I'll still use 5x5...although the numbers will be significantly lower, but it's better than atrophy right? At what age do you stop being such a testosterone factory?
He can do it all, he's only 17 for christ's sake. He could be pretty damn cut in 8-12 weeks, and as long as he watched his carbs at night he could still bulk while staying pretty lean. I'm 21 and have only been training for about a year. I already look better than most guys. He has all the time in the world.
How many grams per bodyweight do you think is needed to cut bodyfat but still be able to add muscle and not look flat?
I'm debating going low carb--because most people get down really low on these and they have hormonal benefits or going moderate carb--around 100-150g carbs.
this are all very good posts. thx for everyone who is giving advice, after reading Debaser's post i decided for 100% that i wanna bulk. i do have a lot of time cuz im still young, and cutting is rather easy. but id rather bulk for now and just be a monster. i wanna be "that guy" that people gawk at cuz my arms are as big or bigger then their legs