I am going to say a LOT here, because I only wish someone could tell me such things when I was your age. (Anyone who bickers about the length of the post, please, try to get acclamated to reading things longer than a comic book--say, a REAL book!--and shut the hell up

Lee said:
300 pounds? thats insane, i never wanna get gigantic, that just scares people off.
Not all of them Lee. Many, yes, but then again...who gives a shit what scares people off?
What are they afraid of, that I'd eat them or beat them up? That's unlikely, so they're irrational people--a waste of time.
I am in this game for ME, not them.
Until you are going at the iron purely for yourself, you're short-sheeting your bed, brother. Trust me. I know it sounds like psychobabble--the same kind of bullshit you've been fed for years from all directions--but it's not B.S. It's true.
i just wanna be fairly big and look good.
You are doing well. From your avatar, I definitely don't think you are fat. Even if you WERE smooth, your emphasis should be exclusively on building mass, mass, mass.
i guess this is just my sexual frustration talking, cuz im a 17 year old virgin and it really sucks when im chillin with my friends and theyre all fuckin these hella hot chics,
Err...you do know that even "friends" flat-out
lie about that kind of shit, do you not?
What kind of friends say such things in front of you when they
know it humiliates you, anyway?
And shoot, being a virgin at 17 is nothing, Lee. One of my best friends was a virgin until he was 21. TWENTY-ONE! Today, he is ready to marry.
Did I mention that his bride to be was a Miss Teen South Carolina a few years back?
Yep. No shit. Extremely pretty, very smart girl.
So I think he turned out okay. He finally realized there was no race to just get laid for the sake of
bragging rights.
The lesson, glib as it is? Be yourself!
Do that, and one day sooner than you think, you'll wind up coupled with a fine gal, with whom you'll share something more substantial than a newbie orgasm.
Keep anxious about it, and you'll repel most girls like a skunk...especially that silly-shit, gossipy high school bunch, who are all about style and rarely, substance.
Let me tell you something else while I'm at it.
You can be the biggest, most cut motherfucker pretty much anywhere outside the gym, and I seriously doubt you're going to be banging "all of the hot chicks" around you on that basis alone. For every one woman that's turned on by some shredded guy, probably 6-8 others would be either neutral or turned off. (Being totally ripped can be threatening. In a relationship, they might feel pressure to stay in comparable shape, which they'll most likely fail in doing.)
The fact of the matter is, most women don't respond too heavily SOLELY to how you, specifically your body, looks (so long as you are not a circus freak or a tub of lard, though even truly fat guys still get laid).
No: the buck-toothed pencilneck who can talk lots of shit will always take home more tail than some introverted, shy bodybuilder.
And so what? What's so great about that? Sex is wonderful, but that kind of stupid promiscuity just isn't worth it these days. I also don't think most your age are emotionally sophisticated enough to handle everything it entails anyway; then again, I am a romantic, and much as I like the idea of just feeling good, I DO think most sex should be about a little more than blowing a load.
it just gets to me. im gonna think about this for a while and decide if i wanna bulk or cut.
It used to irritate the shit out of me, too. I know where you are coming from.
I was easily the most muscular guy in my high school. I'm not really a shrimp, but that's not saying a whole lot...the school seemed to be anti-lifting. The football players were a joke; at least half of them didn't even lift consistently, and most of those that did looked like they'd never worked out a day in their life.
Only two other guys took the iron seriously at all.
I like to think I'm not ugly to begin with, either. So it frustrated me when I watched as pimpled-up, scrawny little guys with the big mouths garnered so much attention. If they were really slick, it'd be one thing...but these clowns were flapping their fucking arms and squealing, "CHICKEN!" apropos nothing, in some stupid effort to be funny. They were MORONS.
The sheer lunacy of that crap would sometimes make me want to put my fist through the wall. It was just so damn DUMB!
At some point during high school, I simply realized these people weren't worth the thought. I was pissing away valuable time by getting mad at their bullshit. And it hurt me. It made me uneasy.
So once I was comfortable with myself and ignored what those tards were doing, I had immediate positive feedback. It was nice.
The same went for lifting, too. I used to be obsessed with whether or not my arms were bigger than they were the week before. I would pose for probably hours every day at one point, and to this day, I really don't know WHY! I wasn't competing then. I was just totally anal about the whole thing.
When I calmed down a bit, I found I could still be entirely dedicated to getting JACKED, and it was probably easier to do because I wasn't expending so much nervous energy.
I know that is extremely hard to do at 17, 18, hell, ANY age; but once you master it, you'll enjoy lifting AND life much more. The more fun something is, the more apt you are to succeed.
I realize that's not what you were looking for, but it sounded as if you were letting what other people thought, or things which were beyond your immediate control, define your sense of self, which isn't heathly.
The bulk or cut thing is in your court. What do you WANT to do? You are in this for the long term...if I were you, I'd take advantage of those teenage hormones and keep gaining mass. You look lean enough if your immediate goal is just to have a body sufficient for getting laid.
Besides, a girl might ooh or compliment a nice set of abs, but that's over in two seconds, and you just spent 3 months getting them that could've been better used, IMO, by adding inches of thickness all over.