Prime Rib said:I'm am probably one of the most qualified people on this board to tell you, STOP LIFTING WEIGHTS AND GO GET YOUR SHOULDER CHECKED...
4 years ago, I tore a rotator cuff slightly. It was a minor injury from the start, and cause some pain while doing pressing movements but not enough to make me stop. Went to the doc and he diagnoses me, and told me to not even think about ANY upper body lifts for 6 weeks. Well, being a stupid ass I did not listen to him. I continued to bench, incline, etc...And tore my rotator cuff almost beyond return. And if you noticed I said 4 YEARS ago, well i've just now been able to get back in the gym. It took me almost 4 yrs to heal enough to lift heavy weight again. Surgery on shoulders is dangerous and a 50/50 chance on fixing you or fucking you up worse, not a chance I wanted to take. Don't even put yourself in that situation bro, the weights aren't going anywhere and you won't kill yourself to leave them alone for a week or so until you can see a doctor. Take it from me, it was pure hell not being able to lift for 4 yrs, do not put yourself in my shoes. Good luck
Just out of curiosity, what makes you the most qualified on this board on this subject?