Yes now that is some MASSIVE FREAKY Shoulders!!!! In response to all this…we as individuals may think and feel we got some big size…biceps…legs…..etc…but in the whole scheme of things we do not!!!! Unless you are a pro heavyweight and training for YEARS on end you are not huge. By societys standards yes we may be big and out of the ordinary but by no means huge. We may be big in our own eyes...from what shape we came from and our bodies have never reached this size...so it seems BIG!
I have come to find that unless you plan on training for years....hard and heavy and taking some good amounts of stuff...w/ some sides to deal w/. You will not get massive! I promise you that. It takes time and good diet, and training. Its something that is not achieved easily.
Sometimes I think we get caught up in our own little worlds and forget being realistic. Once I started putting on muscle...I was one of those that just wanted to tone....not put on any weight and by all means not put a lot of mass on. Well now I am 30 lbs heavier...bought all new clothes...can keep some that will fit a few weeks before my shows
but I am where I never intended on being and I love it...and I want more size. If you would have told me that I would a long time ago I would of said are you kidding????
Now I do not want to be as large as the girl in the picture...but a version of Valentina...maybe even a somewhat smaller one?? Thats why it cracks me up when I go out and I get so many stares...comments and guys asking and saying shit to me...saying I am big....cause really Im not..just big to what they are used to. Im yet to see a massive girl on this board like that pic...most of us have just begun....muscle is something that will not happen w/ one cycle of anavar..or winny...you gotta build...day in and day out...year after year...nutrition like crazy...and let your muscle mature. As women we all suffer w/ image shit. We are either not thin enough...or want more size..more muscle. We are never satisfied....
and I promise you the more size you gain, and the more time you spend in the gym....you will continue to want to grow. Let me know when you get to the point of wanting to just stop and stay where you are at. Doubt it will happen.
I have come to find that unless you plan on training for years....hard and heavy and taking some good amounts of stuff...w/ some sides to deal w/. You will not get massive! I promise you that. It takes time and good diet, and training. Its something that is not achieved easily.
Sometimes I think we get caught up in our own little worlds and forget being realistic. Once I started putting on muscle...I was one of those that just wanted to tone....not put on any weight and by all means not put a lot of mass on. Well now I am 30 lbs heavier...bought all new clothes...can keep some that will fit a few weeks before my shows

Now I do not want to be as large as the girl in the picture...but a version of Valentina...maybe even a somewhat smaller one?? Thats why it cracks me up when I go out and I get so many stares...comments and guys asking and saying shit to me...saying I am big....cause really Im not..just big to what they are used to. Im yet to see a massive girl on this board like that pic...most of us have just begun....muscle is something that will not happen w/ one cycle of anavar..or winny...you gotta build...day in and day out...year after year...nutrition like crazy...and let your muscle mature. As women we all suffer w/ image shit. We are either not thin enough...or want more size..more muscle. We are never satisfied....
and I promise you the more size you gain, and the more time you spend in the gym....you will continue to want to grow. Let me know when you get to the point of wanting to just stop and stay where you are at. Doubt it will happen.