Works in a jewelry store, eh? Wedding bands to gay couples? WEDDING BANDS? Wow! This is one huge case of sampling error. You end up with something like the adultry rate of married men who patronize whorehouses.
I don't know of any gay men who would walk into something as useless as a jewelry store, let alone buy a slave band (oops! I mean wedding band!). I never heard a gay man (assuming one can tell who's gay or not) speaking with a lisp except someone speaking Castilian Spanish. Are we assuming everyone speaking that dialect is gay?
As far as effeminate behaviour is concerned, there's the expression, "He's acting so faggoty that he's got to be straight." kinda like another adage, "He's so antigay, he must hate his own gayness."
I don't know of any gay men who would walk into something as useless as a jewelry store, let alone buy a slave band (oops! I mean wedding band!). I never heard a gay man (assuming one can tell who's gay or not) speaking with a lisp except someone speaking Castilian Spanish. Are we assuming everyone speaking that dialect is gay?
As far as effeminate behaviour is concerned, there's the expression, "He's acting so faggoty that he's got to be straight." kinda like another adage, "He's so antigay, he must hate his own gayness."