Em, if you want some football workouts, PM me, I've been doing em since I was 13 and I'll hook you up with something.....I will tell you that if you wanna clean, it is awesome, but first of all, you can't just do them, you should probably be shown by a qualified coach/trainer/ect, and you really need to learn them in phases, and what youlearn and when will all depend on your experience levels with various lifts......One key thing, if you want to clean, you need to think in terms of movements, NOT what bodypart you're working......I am not trying to knock the previous post, but the initial pull of a clean is NOT shoulders and arms.....what you do is drive your hips into the bar to create momentum, then you shrug as you rise onto your toes, and when you shrug, the arms are NOT moved, then you imagine the bar flying through the roof as your bend your elbows (which are flared out) to simply allow the bar the continue it's upward flight, when the bar reaches it's highest point, you jump explosively under the bar, whip your elbows around, and for a power clean catch the bar with knees bent in a 1/4 front squat,and for a full clean time the elbow whip and the catch so that you rack the bar in the bottom position of a full front squat, then you rise........so the pull is momentum from the hips and traps, the arms are not used, they are simply bent to allow the bar to continue it's flight right through the fucking roof (which is what you should have drilled into your head from day one)........Actually when I was taught to shrug, I was told to picture my hips stretching and my traps crashing into my ears and the bar just flying through the roof of the weight room cause I shrugged like such an explosive motherfucker that there was NO other option....I hope this helps.....if you want a program Pm me or post something and I will do one up for you.....if you need clarification on hang clean/full clean and all that crazy shit, just say so and I will provide it for you.