I have seen and read many people asking about “Swolecat”, his knowledge, his programs, whether they are of value and worth the money, etc.
Is it really worth it?
In a word, Yes.
There are many “posers” put there on the net. Many who claim to have knowledge. After a while, especially in the sports of bodybuilding and fitness in general, you start to get a feel for them. They come in many types:
- The big big dude who is bloated and only wants to get BIG BIG BIG. Period. To hell with being ripped and looking good. He normally asks intelligent questions like “whaddaya bench” and “how big is your ... (insert body part here)”. No matter that he asks with a body fat percentage of like 28% at the time.
- The skinny science geek who took far too many organic chem classes and now wants to seem cool because he knows how to read studies, and make flying leaps of logic about how they MAY pertain to humans, and our sports. Never mind the fact that to him, lifting a test tube over his head represents a new personal best in the clean-and-jerk ...
- The newbie who has read the boards for a few months, posted far too many times to have life, and now regurgitates the knowledge as if HE is its source. He “yells” (wow, he writes in CAPS) and quotes science terms as if he bought Microsoft Thesaurus and put it “tough smart guy” mode. Yeah bro – everyone has HUGE balls as long as they are hidden under a keyboard!
In this vast cyber land of knowledge, or lack of it, there are about 10 people that I read that consistently provide good, real knowledge that represents a balance between applying theory and technical know-how, with a background of achieving REAL WORLD RESULTS for themselves and others.
Swolecat is one of these people.
I have read his writings for well over a year and am very impressed with what he has to say. I have read many many people discuss their results that they have had with him, and its almost consistently, 100%, amazing the types of transformations that they discuss.
I realize one of the problems that many have, is that they want everything for “free”. Is see a lot of this “entitlement” mindset. Many people think that the world “owes” them info like Swolecat’s plans and knowledge. Well, I am sorry kids, the world does not OWE you a 6-figure job three weeks out of college, the world does not owe you a stable full of bee-yatches just because you think you can rap, you don’t get huge hella-ripped just because you bought a tub of Super Weight Gainer 6000 or a few dBol from some dude at the gym.
And Swolecat, who works hard to not only give people a customized diet plan but to follow up with them and basically act as a coach/assistant to make sure it is followed, does not “owe” anyone this information and these services, for free.
Many things in life cannot just be “had”. They make take time and effort, like training and dieting in order to achieve a certain physique.
Information is similar. Some of the best info, knowledge, wisdom, has incredible VALUE And someone who has such info has every right to charge for it. Like Swole does.
Half of the people who inquire or even covertly ask (in a critical manner) about Swole’s “results” are basically upset about the fact that he actually CHARGES for his services.
Well, he gets results. And, yeah, he has every right to charge for that.
Most people blow more cash in 3 months on BS supplements that don’t do anything worthwhile, than they would with getting a custom-designed Swolecat diet program.
Why this explanation? I work in the self-help and self-improvement world (as one of my many interests). I teach men how to meet women. I see, hear, and read what people say and ask and am able to REALLY see what the issues are. I see the same things in that industry, as I see in these discussions about Swolecat. So when I see people on hear asking about Swole, I read right between the lines and see what the issue really are.
There is VALUE to what this guy knows, and what he does.
Some people will never see that, and that’s fine.
Some people realize that Things of Value may be worth something, and they believe in themselves enough to work for their goals, to put Effort into making things happen, and to paying for things when its something that they need.
These are the type of people who make things happen, and achieve great things.
These are the type of people who becomes Swolecat’s clients.
Why did I take this time to write this? Hey - I have never even MET Swolecat, I personally don’t know the guy. Its just that I have read a lot from a lot of people, and have gotten to the point of knowing who to listen to – who is worth my time. Swolecat IS worth your time, and if you are interested , worth your cash for diet and consulting services. I WISH that when I started to read boards like this, that I was able to see someone take the time (like I have done) to really “lay it all out” and let me know who full of shit, and who to believe.
So I just gave back some, and saved someone a LOT of time.
Swole is the Read Deal people.