Quick stats
bf: 9.0% -3 point caliper/electronic- as far as how accurate Idk, but its been a tool of measurement and progress
weeks 1-8
s-4 (25 am 25 pm)
ostarin (25 am)
albuterol 3mg 3x daily
Weeks 4-9 decided late :0
Beast 20/30/30/30-40/30-40 -sides dependant
katana 350/400/400/450/450
Question is weeks 1-4 of sarms i lost about 1.5% bf.. Well Im on week 6 so first 2 weeks of beast and katana.. I seriously am pushing my ass every day in the gym with ok strength and stam. I do cardio in the morning and lift in the pm.. Well we all want instant gratification and results but hard work and patience are key i know..yet i haven't lost any bf, nor weight. Any possible ideas lol?? magic answers maybe Im noob at still? much appreciated!!
Sent from my SCH-I510 using EliteFitness
bf: 9.0% -3 point caliper/electronic- as far as how accurate Idk, but its been a tool of measurement and progress
weeks 1-8
s-4 (25 am 25 pm)
ostarin (25 am)
albuterol 3mg 3x daily
Weeks 4-9 decided late :0
Beast 20/30/30/30-40/30-40 -sides dependant
katana 350/400/400/450/450
Question is weeks 1-4 of sarms i lost about 1.5% bf.. Well Im on week 6 so first 2 weeks of beast and katana.. I seriously am pushing my ass every day in the gym with ok strength and stam. I do cardio in the morning and lift in the pm.. Well we all want instant gratification and results but hard work and patience are key i know..yet i haven't lost any bf, nor weight. Any possible ideas lol?? magic answers maybe Im noob at still? much appreciated!!
Sent from my SCH-I510 using EliteFitness