b fold the truth said:
I'm GLAD that Dorian Yates isn't one of those BIG guys in the gym, OR someone who uses AAS in their training. We ALL know that the big guys, or the ones on AAS, know little to NOTHING about getting big or strong...
B True
Just because there are guys that know what they're talking about who are big and strong, doesn't mean that just because you're big and strong you must know what you're talking about. Squares are rectangles but rectangles are not squares.
DC is a case in point. ENORMOUS guy, really knows his shit. But I didn't judge that JUST BECAUSE HE IS BIG AND STRONG. I came to that conclusion for a few reasons:
1. He has average genetics at best, and has added 160 lbs of mostly muscle to his frame. His juice dosages were modest at best, lower than many of the guys I've seen here who are not even close to his bodyweight.
2. He has trained guys of all different ranges, genetically gifted to the trash heap, juiced to natural, guys with decades of experience and newbies, strongmen as well as bodybuilders. EVERY ONE MADE ASTOUNDING GAINS.
3. His principles just make sense. They aren't the same regurgitated garbage that is passed on and perpetuated by supplement companies (why would they want you to succeed?).
Now look at a guy like say, Flex Wheeler. He has superhuman genetics, including a proven mutated myostatin gene. Who knows what his list of drugs and dosages are, but it could very well be pretty damn high, given the company he's in. This is a guy who could grow by mowing lawns. He trains high volume and can easily get away with it for these reasons. Does this mean every person should listen to the opinion of someone who is genetically elite on tons of gear? Of course not.
Being big and being knowledgeable are not mutually exclusive. You can be one, both, or neither. Being one does not necessarily lead to being the other.