The following was written by Brian Batcheldor at CNP re. Malto in their sups. Although I use this stuff and am certain of it quality, I am not here to sell it, so I think this would also apply to any other “quality” MRP product that has good science behind it:
The reasons for using maltodextrin in an MRP are a lot more complex than merely providing a “cheap filler”, -at least in our situation (CNP Ltd). Besides, when you’re in the trade, the differences in price between most of the carbohydrate sources are not that significant.
Maltodextrin is not only sourced from corn starch, -it can for example be produced by the hydrolysis of rice or potato starch. Because the processing techniques may yield slightly different properties for each respective material and the amylose to amylopectin ratios may also be slightly different (these ratios account for this complex carbohydrate having a high GI), it is possible to arrive at varying DE (Dextrose Equivalent) values for maltodextrin. Some “experts” will tell you that a maltodextrin product with a lower GI is bullsh*t; they’re wrong, -several large companies in the food industry provide various DE products for numerous commercial applications. When it comes to DE, we have chosen the middle road, by combining maltodextrin sources in a proprietary blend. The GI for our maltodextrin is not quite as high as corn starch material, but this was not really the major concern to us. Why, -because the whole GI thing is overplayed. Far more relevant is the Glycemic Load (GL) of each serving. The GL takes into account the GI as well as the amount of carbs per serving. The GL is the GI value multiplied by the actual number of carbs per serving. The carbs in Pro-MR will provide a GL of around 1330, -roughly the equivalent to half a banana or less than half a cup of low GI brown rice! Now do you get my point? Don’t forget that the GI is the rate at which 50 grams of carbohydrate from a particular food source (note: not 50 grams of the food itself) will convert to sugar. Some so-called low GI foods are very carb dense (e.g. kidney beans), whilst some high GI foods are nowhere near as dense and contain much more insulin limiting fibre, e.g. carrots, -one carrot contains only around 4 g of carbs. There fore it is very easy to achieve a high GL by eating normal portions of a low GI food. On top of this, there are various other factors that will compromise both the GI and the GL, including the amount of fibre, the amount of fat and, certainly the most significant factor in the case of Pro-MR, -the amount of protein. The slow gastric emptying rate of the micellar casein content will certainly bring the figures right down.
So why didn’t we try to drive the GL down even lower by using a lower GI carb source? Simple, what’s the most important thing that you look for in your MRP selection, -the protein. You want a large serving of readily assimilable, high quality protein, Pro-MR provides the highest quality, most expensively produced (by far) protein blend of any MRP, -bar none. We were the innovators of the “fast and slow” protein blend technology, we remain the only company to use only totally undenatured proteins and we hold patents on the use of probiotics to assist protein retention and promote gut health. Sound like a company that would resort to using a cheap filler to you? Because companies that have since tried to follow in our footsteps (by instead using cheap denatured materials, like caseinates) have not been prepared to invest as much in quality proteins, they are trying to convince you that they have improved on the concept by using low GI carb sources, like oat, brown rice or barley flour. The reason these carb sources have a lower GI rating is because of their high fibre content, but these companies are still completely missing the point, -protein retention. Scientific, as well as anecdotal evidence shows us that this high fibre content will dramatically reduce protein absorption. We worked on Pro-MR and ProPeptide for nearly two years, believe me, -we tried it all. We found that the gastrointestinal stress caused by combining these carb sources with a large protein serving resulted in a loss of appetite, a level of gas that made any lighted flame a severe hazard and a flair for pebble-dashing (if you were lucky enough to get there that fast). These are exactly the same symptoms that the users of these new “innovations” are experiencing today. Fact: an insulin spike of not too excessive duration will decrease protein degradation and improve protein retention, i.e. improve anabolism.