yeah that's a glute ham raise but a shitty one at that. the one i have (just got) has a large moon pad, extremely sturdy and well built, and a large toe plate. i wear size 13 shoe so i need something that can really hold my feet in. check out irish's site if u wanna check out some pics. i'll post some pics of mine when i take some. i would personally not buy that one if that's what you're considering.
Some people swear by this piece of equipment. I always have to weight it down though, because I could do them all day long. I get more ham isolation out of RDL's and pull throughs.
When you were lost and lonely, adrift in a sea of confusion, looking for direction, you know, back when you were training like a bodybuilder, did you do more curl type movements for your hamstrings versus hip extension type movments?
p03t1c is just all fired up cause he got a real one this one doesnt look all that bad, especially if you dont weigh 250 lbs. does the girl come with it? at $200 that would be a steal. You could also fix it up yourself with a little creativity.
spatts: IMO, if you are not getting anything out of this, you are not doing it right. i felt the same way my last training cycle until some folks helped me a little
it isnt supposed to isolate the hamstrings. you are supposed to do a violent contraction with calf, glute, and hams.
you can add weight, add bands, or raise the back with boards to make it more effective also.
a lot of people, myself included are also using this as a warmup exercise now, doing 2 sets per workout to bring up my weaker parts.
irish- im considering buying it... maybe getting some guys at my gym to chip in. I think it could be a good investment. I woud just weld an extension to the toe plate on.
Do you think it would hold up good? It cant be THAT bad