Focused Individual
New member
I've been wondering about this for a long time and can't figure it out. I know that if you work out a muscle more then once or twice a week it is not good, because you are over training it. How about if you work out the same muscle to much on one day. For example, say I do chest today. If I stayed in there and did my chest for two hours, doing 20 or 30 sets, would that be over training it? Or would it only be over training it if I did it three or four times a week? If it would be, what is a good number of sets to do per body part per day. Right now I do like 18 sets on my chest day. I do 3 flat bench, 3 incline d-bell, 3 decline bench press, 3 HS (hammer strength) bench press, 3 hs decline, 3 cables. Please let me know if I am doin to much, sometimes I may do a couple of more things, sometimes a couple less.