Proviron is used to treat men with low androgens/test and increases sperm count.
I use on/of to dense up my muscles and increase libido...
As per the books (Anabolic 2000/2002/2004) Proviron is an aromatase inhibitor and prevents the conversion (aromatization) of test into estrogen.
Nolvadex blocks/attaches to the estrogen receptors primarily in the chest/breast area.
Therefore, Proviron will help reduce the amount of test conversion into estrogen but you need Nolvadex/AI to combat gyno in the early stages.
If you have gyno or are gyno prone I would suggest that you prevent rather then treat the gyno..
Here is what I used on my test cycles (I am gyno prone)
20mg/day Nolvadex
I would now also include AI in the stack (doses as per Macro's sticky)
Be careful of the estrogen rebound effect if you stop the Nolva/Proviron/AI too soon..I think AI will help suppress and reduce estrogen rebound.....
Good luck