Well, i haven't gone with this program 100%, but i have met it almost half way for now. I have cut out most isolation moves. I still work out four days/wk...2 on, 1 of, 2 on, 2 off.
I've been doing this for almost a month.
3 work sets each.
Workout 1) Chest/tri's - Incline Bench, Weighted Dips, Close Grip Bench.
Workout 2) Back/Bi's - Bent Rows, Pull Downs, Straight Bar Curls.
Workout 3) Shoulders/Calves - Military Press, Upright rows, standing Calf Raises.
Workout 4) Legs - Squats, Straight Leg Deads.
Now that i look at this, i haven't really come close, but i have cut way down. When i hit a plateau, i will cut it down again to see what happens.
My bi's and tri's never get sore though. My weights are increasing. Feeling good. Up to 55lbs on the dips. I may switch the dips with close grip bench, from time to time instead of doing both. My lats went flat when i stoped doing pull downs, so i put them back in.
What do you guys think about this?
T Bone